Follow your dreams

Follow your inspiration…
Deep within imagination
Follow your imagination…
Deep within inspiration…
Live in the clouds…
Swim in the fields…
Like the birds, like the flowers…

Within your heart there is a key.
And all you need to see is me,
And all you need is to believe in me!

Within my heart there is a lock.
And all I need is gentle touch,
And all I need is open wide
My heart and soul, embrace your love.

The universe will open doors,
Where once were only walls.
Wake up! Believe! And see!
Through the confusion,
Through the illusion.

Wake up and follow dreams!
Where once were only walls,
The water finds new holes.

Follow your inspiration…
Deep within imagination
Follow your imagination…
Deep within inspiration…
Live in the clouds…
Swim in the fields…
Like the birds, like the flowers…
Through the confusion,
Through the illusion.

The universe will open doors,
Where once were only walls.
Wake up and follow dreams!
Where once were only walls,
The water finds new holes.
