Juliette Binoche

March 9th – Juliette Binoche’s birthday.

Juliette Binoche – a well-known gifted actress of French descent.
On human rights and charity much of her time and efforts spent.
Dancing and art talents and skills add to her Juliette’s versatility.
Binoche exudes charisma, beauty, love for life, passion, affability.

Gradually falling in love with and pursuing career in film & stage,
Binoche developed and expanded her multifaceted artistic range.
Maturity, brightness, intelligence, femininity, radiance and poise
For many screen and stage productions made her a proper choice.

Oscar, Cesar and BAFTA awards, acclaim in Venice, Berlin & Paris
Portray Binoche as vastly contributing gifted and diverse actress.
She has achieved an international acclaim, praise and recognition,
Fulfilling her predetermined calling, dream, professional ambition.

On March 9th Juliette Binoche celebrates her birthday – greeting!
You’ve won your fans and colleagues love and respect, no kidding.
May you be blessed with happiness, harmony, health, inspiration!
Paid off are your willpower, courage, persistence & determination.

Copyright©2016 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
