Keren sky s old Legend

Беру щепотку  крошечку
пересыпая густо - на 3/4 by
green aromatic-tea
which was grown up - nurtured
on the southern slopes of the CeylonЪ I. by
caring warm hands ...
  few drops add i to it
 lime basilik
making a desolution with boiling H20
adding some milk or cream to tasting
und - put a cigarette
across a brim of cup 

--- --- -

Part 2  .   Sane

how often can i see
 the youngsters
who puffing up the clouds
of the smoke
from electronic cigarette
on a walk    -    such smoke  !
that brave old dutch  martos could even never  do it so

       For what  -  what for  -   ?

  such smoke

