You are the only man

You are the only man
Whose heart I hear beating.
Whose breath is deap and calm,
And I’m so much now greedy!

I won’t tell anybody
That I have found treasure –
Just mine! Waht a fortune!
Just mine! What a pleasure!

You hardly know my name,
You hardly notice feelings,
But I am telling all the same:
I LOVE YOU! It’s so thrilling!

I love you! – I’ll repeat it...
And shadows’ ll be whispering...
Again. I’m not retreating!
Again. I love this risking!

I want to see you smiling
So brightly, so sencere,
Like the moon is gliding
Along the sky blue sphere.

I won’t you tell a word.
I won’t disclose my soul.
We are the wish of Lord,
So let it be like so!
