I ve seen it before

No matter
How could i feel
My WINTER is endless,
Not 'couse so i wish

I never knelt
Before ones who pretend
To have rights
To treat me bad
Till the end,
That you cannot mend.

They said may pain come...
I'm not afraid, I DON'T CARE...
And one more wound cannot
Make amend...
 - I said, It's true...

Put me down in noisy crowds
Smash my soul between grey walls
I don't afraid anymore, i am bored
'Couse I've seen It before.

Again... Crying and complain
Curcling on your way
To understand just how to put me right
But all that now you can -
To forget or to pretend
I cannot tell you truth, couse you don't have my might
To bear it to the rest of life....

Put me down in noisy crowds
Smash my soul between grey walls
I don't afraid anymore, i am bored
'Couse I've seen It before...
