and at the other women - I don't watch.
but every day I go to mausoleum,
and there with my beloved shade I talk.
It seems to me that I hear her answers.
as it is said by Sutras from Koran.
what for in this life do I have to suffer?
as if I killed someone.
Not long ago a Jew has come to Delhi
He taught me his religion for some days.
It is the truth: the Jews - are the most clever.
and I understood Allah and forgave!
Do not ask "why" - "what for?" - this qustion's better. -
The Jew told me - only to see the light,
and to feel God and get with Him connected -
the meaning of all loss, purpose of life.
and that's when we give out the feeling,
give wish to the Creator, if He please, -
then we see light that was in sadness, hidden
in selfishness, ie, stupidity.
The way to the Light - to give all desires,
By qualities - you come to God more close.
and so I erected four minarets,
so that the Light could hold me when I fall!
Елизавета Судьина
Я не воздвигну памятник гарему,
и на других я женщин не смотрю.
но каждый день иду я к мавзолею,
и там с любимой тенью говорю.
мне кажется, она мне отвечает.
как из Корана сутры говорят
за что я в этой жизни так страдаю?
как будто я кого-то убивал.
Один еврей недавно пребыл в Дели,
и нас своей религии учил.
и правда, что евреи - всех умнее.
и я Аллаха понял и простил!
ты не "за что", а "для чего" - спросил бы. -
еврей мне говорил, - увидеть Свет,
и ощутить Его и с Ним соединиться -
вот смысл любой отдачи, жизни цель.
и вот когда мы отпускаем чувство,
отдав его, раз Он забрал, - Творцу. -
то видим Свет, который скрыт был грустью
и эгоизмом, т.е. глупостью.
так все отдать желания - путь к Свету,
по свойствам тогда - ближе Ты к Нему.
и я воздвиг четыре минарета,
чтоб Свет держал меня, когда я упаду!
so interesting: after I wrote it - I started to read history - and i found out that Shah-Jahan (AKBAR - is his grandpa) really didn''t want even to look at his harem after her death.
then I found out that his grandpa Akbar let the Jews to build the first sinagogue in Deli.
then - that his contemporary poet - was the Armenian Jew who translated Torah in persian, and who was the teacher of one Sultan in India.
then - that the MINARET - means Light, the column of light (like Menora in hebrew) .
so my poetry turned out not to be just my fiction, but it could really be in history!
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