Prayer to the Lord of the Emerald Tablet
In the depth of the Emerald Tablet,
High in your divine celestial mansion,
Think of me, at least for a short moment.
Thrice-great Lord of all Powers,
You opened for me the doors of All-Knowing,
You’ve let me read your Book of Quintessence,
And called me to serve you in eternity.
You are never changing, and you are always with me,
You became my breath and my soul,
And my doors are open before you,
When you enter your city in glory.
Oh, let me become like Khemennu for you,
Let my soul become your citadel,
Come to me, claiming me as yours, and loving me,
You’re always welcome in my house; and we are bound together.
© In-Taier, 10.06.2012
Rusian original (prayer #2):
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