Soul, ignited with your light
ignited with your light…
when I whisper the words of love
I feel your wings
around, protecting me;
when I speak your praises -
it’s the only reason to know how to speak,
when I live for you -
it’s the only reason to remember again,
how to breathe…
why holy men-of-the-desert,
wanting to see the unseen light,
closed their eyes, to ignore the beauty
of sun and moon?
these are both perfect mirrors
of what the light from heaven is:
the eyes of God,
All-Creator, whose name is hidden,
are watching us
through the stars,
through the moon and the sun,
through the eyes of every bird
and every living being,
because love is source of all and everything is moved by it…
Love incarnated and love divine,
embracing all,
the never-ending beginning,
every second of life
filled with love
is the first second of creation,
all perfection once again…
You taught me how to breathe again
and taught me that words and signs don’t matter
when love enters the doors,
and my house, for Love and Wisdom,
is prepared and waiting, all furnished,
filled with scents of incense and flowers,
and here are for you
candlelight and the sounds of sistrums and bells,
and the white stone, gift from the Master-of-all-craftmanship,
is awaiting you as your throne and seat -
come to me,
Lord of my heart,
as you come to your city,
as you come to your temples,
as you descend to your shrines at dusk, to stay all night until dawn…
the silver sun of the night,
how it comes that we are rewarded so greatly
for serving you with small things?..
soul of human being, embraced by love of God -
most perfect and sacred union between heaven and earth,
and Geb and Nut can make a kiss beloved again,
when the sacred marriage happens
and dwellers of sky and the Duat are all rejoicing
when a soul joins the choirs
singing your praise,
the angelic Word,
ambassador of peace
between the rebelling humans and Gods…
© In-Taier 3.01.2015
Russian translation:
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