Endless Adoration
Why sometimes I simply want to cry in excitement “Thoth, I love You?”
It’s so simple and so amazing and so wonderful -
To live in endless adoration before God,
Thinking about him every moment, and about his love, and again and again
And burn in the flames of love, divine love and devotion to him,
And he says “Sing me praise” - and there’s no my own will anymore, but only his…
And I start whispering these hymns and prayers, again and again,
Repeating holy names and fragments of ancient praises,
I keep silence, but really, I want to cry out, and scream
Out of ecstasy, out of love which overflows me,
And I want to tell about him to fish in the waters and to birds in the sky…
How sweet is my madness of love, Thoth-Djehuty, one of fair countenance,
I want to give you my soul as a gift every day,
And give you my heart in exchange to your smile,
And follow you -
Wherever you go,
And adore you,
Now and forever, in eternity everlasting, and every new day,
In eternity which begins today…
To live for you,
To become one of the stones in the foundation of your temple in Hermopolis.
My mouth was opened by you, to make you glorifications,
Here are my arms, to bring you sacred gifts and offerings,
Here are my feet, to follow your ways forever,
Here are my eyes, to admire your beauty,
Here are my ears, to listen to the wisdom of your divine utterances
And listen to praises that are sung in your glory.
Forever and ever,
Djehuty, my God most beautiful, one who resides in my heart,
One who helms the barque of my life over his waters,
How beautiful is your love,
How beautiful are your blessings,
How beautiful is your service,
How beautiful it is, to live for you
You say my name, so I may live
To be with you forever,
To serve Djehuty in eternity,
Joining my voice with the choir of blessed souls
Who sing you hymns in the Mansion of the Moon…
© In-Taier 17.05.2015
Russian translation: http://www.stihi.ru/2016/01/24/1933
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