Empty spaces

she uses me to fill up the empty space
yes, she uses me to fill up her empty space
you know, had we been together, this would be an easy task--
--but i gave you my hand, and empty my hand remains

we were crossing the troubled water, while a bridge was there
yes, we were walking on troubled water, as long as a bridge was there
there was something we promised each other, who was first, you or myself?
and we're still walking, but the water's now clear as a tear

in our midst we used to get it two hundred percent
yeah, in our circle we got it two hundred percent
and each one was shooting at their own sun, without any time to spare
now i've learned the song, and its lyrics are simple and bare

Эта песня - ответ на песню Роджера Уотерса: http://stihi.ru/2022/03/01/6319

Кирилл Грибанов   18.08.2022 14:32     Заявить о нарушении
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