The bread of life

Do you eat food for it to keep your life,
Or rather you enjoy eating or drinking,
Like you live for your food – so you decide –
Do food keeps you, or you keep food to eat it?

You’ll find temporary satisfaction
When you eat cake or pastry, pizza, ice cream.
But after eating them, you want some more
Food, that tastes even greater, than before.

If you won’t say “Stop”, then you can no longer
Control you food – cause it’s controlling you!
So, if that’s so, then you already serve it –
But not to table – master is your food!

No good and cheerful music ever gives you
True happiness, peace, purpose in your life…
And no good-tasting food can ever fill your
Desire to eat True Food in your heart!
You’ll find pleasure in smoking, doing drugs,
Or drinking wine, or eating tasty foods,
Or using media; but those things in your life
Can’t ever fill your soul’s appetite –
Nor can religion fill completely you!

But our God, Lord, Creator is the Bread
For everyone, who is hungry – come to Him;
“I’m Bread of life from heaven” – He once said –
“And you will not die, if you will eat Me!”

Don’t eat “french fries”, that world can offer you –
Just come to Jesus – He’s the Real Food!
He payed with His life for our crimes and sins –
And only our Creator could do this!
