Men Do Not Cry

To Andrew Burns.

You know,
 Boys Do not Cry.
 The boys laugh loudly.
 They are not weaker than girls.
 Therefore, do not cry ...
 Well, except that of annoyance:
 Because of a broken knee ...

You know,
 Guys do not Cry.
 The guys are laughing out loud.
 They are not weaker than boys.
 Therefore, do not cry ...
 Well, except that of the offense:
 Because of a bygone girls ...

You know,
 Men do not cry.
 Men laugh quietly.
 They are not weaker fellows.
 Therefore, do not cry ...
 Well, except that because of the pain;
 From despair, sadness,
 from irretrievable loss
 Or drop a tear avaricious ...

You know,
 How do you want to cry
 Boys, guys or men?
 Hide away from the world,
 All night sobbed into their pillow ...
 And in the morning, again with a smile
 Open to plow soul.

And you know,
 All people cry ...
 Everyone has a reason;
 It does not matter whether the boys or guys.
 Just men cry...

Chatsworth, California. USA. December, 19th, 2015
