Once I taught you how to...

Once I taught you how to distinguish colors
lilac, pink, white,
you repeat after me liak ink ite ...
Your babbles was music for me!

Once I taught you how to draw ...
Girl, sun,  sky,  and tree
Your  "creations " were masterpieces for me!
I post them on the kitchen wall.
Once I taught you how to write words
And you wrote: "Grandma I love you"
This piece of paper  still most  precious to me!

..keep it where it is now
for the future..
..to feel hugged every time you look at it!

Руслана-Лея Войнович   11.02.2016 20:22     Заявить о нарушении
Thank you Ruslana -Lea.
My grandchildren always amuse me,
with hugs and kisses ,
laughs and schmoozes !!!
From Savta with love ....

Анна Шустерман   11.02.2016 20:52   Заявить о нарушении