A Devil Within Song - The New Baronies fragment

Come on, lads, get in and rest,
At my cosy family nest
The "Frontier" welcomes you
As it always gonna do.

Hear the waters running by?
That's the Frontah river, aye.
Seperating the New Land
And the Loyal Count's domain
Here, at Crossbridge, we believe
That good men, who there live
Mostly scoundrels are, who seek
A new chance by mountain peak .

I remember days passed by,
When no pigeon dared to fly
With a letter over stream,
No intruder passed unseen

When this land was held by male
With a title "Prince of Dale"
Every night the wind would bring
An old song they used to sing...

Those barbarians were a threat?
Oh, you, man, you must be mad
I have been in touch for years
With the folk of woods. Well, guess!
