
Dear kids!
Tonight, I would want to tell you one of the most exciting fairy tales you have ever heard from your mum, dad or granny.
It’s nearly time for you to fall asleep that’s why we have to be fairly short but pretty specific. Lend me your ears. Here comes the beginning of the story...
Do you remember those magic words that precede practically all fairy tales?
You now it fairly well:  “Once upon a time...”
- Great!
And what is usually at the end of almost every fairy tale?
You should already know that practically all of them end like this:
“...and they got married, and they have lived a long happy life and they died in one day and ended up in one grave”.
A fairly nice conclusion for a story, Isn’t it?
But doesn’t it sound TOO fairly nice to be true?
Why do fairy-tale-tellers leave their main characters right in front of the door leading to their bedroom?
I suspect that some inventive producers of some soap movies would certainly follow our newlyweds and focus on those fairly exiting thighs that normally happen EXACTLY behind those bedroom doors ...
But you, kids, are definitely still too young to be involved into the details of such a matter. And we won’t do it since our objective tonight is fairly different.
Well, Cinderella became the princess of a middle-size kingdom somewhere, maybe in Eastern Europe. The kingdom just put its feet upon a fairly wayward path of integration into the world economic community. But it did it fairly late - when the largest and sweetest part of the pie had already been distributed among its luckier fellows-in-co-operation.
I would want to remind you that, living in her stepmother’s house Cinderella, was completely occupied with that endless house work. And those were only her sweet dreams that helped her to cope with it without any damage to her mental health and fairly kind mood. But nearly just after the wedding, out of the blue, all the problems of the transient period fell upon her childish shoulders: Inflation, Corruption, Non-payment, Unemployment and so on, and so forth...
As you know, Cinderella was a fairly kind creature and she took too very much to heart the problems and troubles of ordinary people, loyal subjects to her inexperienced Highness:
Poor teachers and doctors who seemed to never be satisfied with their salary rates;
Poor Miners blocking longest railways of the Kingdom;
Poor Bankers forced to spend huge lots of money to buy expensive real estates oversees.
Cinderella was fairly eager to help everyone. But what could she do?
You cannot cancel the laws of macroeconomics – if you are even a Princess!
She could have probably got used to it … in the long run... but she couldn’t..
The worst of all was that her husband, her dear Prince, occurred to be not the man she used to dream of.
It turned out that he had always been a primitive male:
Eating and drinking seemed to be the basic values in his life.
He carelessly WASTED it in pubs and night clubs.
At a card-table he could spend all the money allocated from the state budget directely for the purpose of charity.
And at last, (oh mine!!!) Cinderella had got all the evidence to suspect her spouse of infidelity!
The said creative producers of the said soap movie would, no doubt, concentrate our attention EXACTLY on this (fairly disgusting!) side of the coin called “married life”.
We won’t do it, kids, since it is not designed for your innocent ears. And, after all, our objective... is... fairly different.
“...and they lived a happy long life...”, says the fairy tale.
Was it happy indeed, kids?!
- By no means! But the fairy tale tellers are always far from disappointing their young readers by telling them the whole truth.
And was it a long life?
Yes!, definitely it was! When you grow older you’ll realise that just a fortnight of SUCH a life can seem anyone the eternity.
And, optimistic by her nature, Cinderella was giving way to despair more and more…
My sweet ladies, you may ask me: “Why didn’t Cinderella resort to the help of her aunty – that fairy who initiated and implemented Cinderella’s fist (and alas! her last) triumph.
She didn’t do this ‘cause she, fairly soon, learned the thing that, unfortunately, nearly all of you have to learn from your own experience:
If your husband is a beast no fairies of the world can help it.
And here, oh, my best beloved, the terrifying sense of the last phrase is coming to light: “ ... and they died in one day and ended up in one grave”.
The said fairly inventive producers of the said fairly popular soap movies would picturesquely describe the way Cinderella killed her prince and then committed a suicide.
Dear kids! Of cause!, , we won’t do this since our objective is...(?)
Right! - Our objective is fairly different.
Having read this fairly sad story, did we mean to hurt some ones feelings? – Not at all!
But what was our final objective, then?
- Our final objective was just the warning:
People of the world, don’t take fairy tales too much to heart, for all those fairy tale tellers are, certainly, liars! (some of them to a fairly great extent).

Сразу вспомнился рассказ Роберта Фулгама (Robert Fulghum), который я прочитал в начале 90-х. Там он пишет следующее.

"Weddings are usually thought of as fairy-tale times, when Real Life is momentarily suspended. `And they lived happily ever after' seems possible, if only for a day. When my children were small and their daddy tried to end bedtime stories with the happy ending, one of them would always say, `And THEN what happened?' How could I tell them that Cinderella discovered that she was married to a guy with a food fetish and that glass slippers hurt like hell? How would I tell them that the frog who was kissed by the princess might have turned into a prince, but still had a personality of a frog and ate flies for breakfast instead of cereal? What I know about real life suggests those are not unreasonable answers to the and-then-what-happened question.

"I tell couples, in mock seriousness, that the warranty on the wedding license is only good for twenty-four hours. The odds on a marriage lasting are 50/50 now, which means that a minister is often asked to perform a wedding wherein one or both parties have been previously married. They did not live happily ever after the first time around. But they know something now - about themselves, about real life, and about marriages. And their weddings reflect their wisdom."

Игорь Мальцев   16.07.2018 12:18     Заявить о нарушении
Да, действительно, забавно!
Приятно было узнать о том, что у тебя есть известные в литературных кругах единомышленники :-)
Игорь, спасибо!
С наисолнечными пожеланиями, В

Чирков Владимир   16.07.2018 13:02   Заявить о нарушении
На это произведение написаны 2 рецензии, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.