The Shadow of Your Smile

I wonder if there’s anything in this life we can predict or understand.
What should we do to deserve the world turn inside out for us in just an eyewink providing it with the sense it has never had before?
Is this a generous award for our day-to-day devotion to the timeless values, a grant to motivate our future merits or just a mear whim of fortune wheel?
Do we have to try hard the rest of our life to pay back the credit we’ve got from heaven or just enjoy it carelessly, regardless of the future?
Again and again I recall the chain of events of that fairytalish morning trying to detect a link that could give me the wink. Where was the point of no return of which I took no notice, and what have I done to deserve this sweet and painful challenge?
That day I just had a walk down the fields. I took the path every turn of which I new from the very first months of my life. The landscape seemed so homelikely dull, and nothing was going to surprise me in this world.
Obeying every intricate winding of the path I went out to a meadow and there…
Was it a dream?.. For nothing but a dream is capable to turn the black-and-white print of reality you’ve got so used to into a bright water-colour of fairy tale …
Heavenly nice and royally graceful you came up to me and stopped, smiling softly. “Hello”, you said – trying to wake me up, because I just stood and stared at you, incapable to move. And you did succeed for I remember me step aside to let you pass, since the path was too narrow for two of us, and the grass, as you may remember, was heavily dewy that morning.
You passed (no, you fleeted!!) so close by me … and the wave of your smell, so strange and so exciting, flew over me… and the sense of reality made haste to leave me …
That night I had one and the same dream repeated persistently: you (heavenly nice and royally graceful) fleeted close by me, and I felt your smell making me start, and I woke up, listening to the quivering bird of my heart heavily flapping against the cage of my ribs.
Next morning I couldn’t tell for sure whether the miracle disclosed to me did really happen, and it didn’t cost me too much to persuade myself that it was a dream, just a dream, sweet and painful …    
Needless to describe my joy when I met you again. And again you pleasantly smiled at me and granted me your, so dear, “Hello”.
Soon we became friends and spent much of our time together. 
Did you like those wonderful nights we spent sitting side by side on the top of the big hey-stack watching sunsets? Did you enjoy seeing thousands of little white clouds flow in the sky, slowly turning gold-yellow, then bright-orange, softly fading to the pink and lilac. Gradually they loose their colours, growing darker and darker until it was time for the stars to replace them on the black velvet of the sky.
Did you, just like me.. did you fancy yourselvs gently carried away by the majestic stream having that tasty name “Milky Way”?
How I loved to observe your eyes change!… As the sky turned darker, the narrow vertical strips of your eye-pupils got wider and wider and finally transformed into the large black circles that seemed to merge all of the Universe!
Several weeks had passed as one day. Do you remember our last night, when it was particularly cold and we sat closer to each other then usual? I made an awkward attempt to steel your kiss. What did you say?...
You noted didactically: ”In the big city where I was brought up, young representatives of the so called stronger sex are not as impudent as here in your province”.
Purposelessly walking around, vainly I waited for you, next evening. I noticed, at last, how pretty faded and ridiculous got our good old hey-stack. You didn’t come! 
Neither did you come the next evening. Time kept featuring its devilish ability to pass awfully slow, and the gravity of my worst guess grew still clearer and stronger. 
What was the use of reproaching myself for impatience?! Didn’t I know it was the way such stories usually end?
But not mine!   
For here I am, on the way I’m heading towards the gleam that is clearly distinguished in the night and makes the stars sink deeper and deeper to the very bottom of the Air Ocean where they are not seen as distinctly as they were in my home village. Those are, evidently, the lights of the big city I’ve never been to. I’ve been walking for heaven knows how long. I’ve learned that “mile” is something that is not as easy to cover as it is pleasant to pronounce. I’m cold, I’m tiered and hungry.
But there is no force in the world to drive me back! I swear! …one day, one pretty nice day, I’ll see again the magic shadow of your pleasant smile that remains the driver of my heart and the only meaning  of my life since the day I met you. 
I swear it by my bitten ear, by my bleeding pads, by my broken whiskers and by the rest of my, once luxurious, tail! Sh-sh-sh-sh!!!!

Such a lovely story with an unpredictable ending. I really like it.

Галина Зелевинская   12.10.2020 06:46     Заявить о нарушении
Галина, спасибо!
Приятно слышать это от человека, тонко чувствующего английскую художественную речь!

Чирков Владимир   12.10.2020 13:50   Заявить о нарушении
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