Wind of Clarity

Your brain’s like a wing
          of great span
New winds to spin
         again and again.

To say a right word
In a precise hour
Is like blessing by God
To refresh power.
To find true sense,
To choose a hearer
Is letting go on
To make a right turn,
Getting your wind
To catch on.

Lack of Clarity
      brings great pain
To deprive bravary
            Again and again

God’s grace lost
Curving your mind
Comes if you keep
Your way behind.
To perish pride,
To draw offences
Brings heavy sins
And lack of senses

Who knows, what’s up?
When it's got wrong?
If wings got lost,
Dreams refuse go on.

Catch a beam of sunrise
Love sweet dream in your eyes
Give your smile like a gift
Hold your course,
Never drift
Stay the line,
Up your mind
