My clock goes tick tock

Composer (music):
Juriy Beychuk


My clock goes tick tock, silently
You are away, you are not here with me,
You are where the sun sets and the lights of planet go out
Where the hurricane goes wild and with madness ramps.

My clock goes tick tock and you're still not here
I have been waiting for you almost forty years...
I wish I could find my soulmate right now
And touch the heart hidden inside.

My clock goes tick tock, please come here now
Just don't be afraid, I have waited my whole life!
There is not much time left to give you my love
I can't live in agony without you any more.

My clock goes tick tock, rewinding the hours
We cannot afford to lose time that is ours
Our hearts and souls want to be with each other
Let's fight for our love, nothing else matters!

My clock goes tick tock...

АР (the original version – ru)
