You know, I can be good! 26. 12. 2015

You know, I can be good!
I can prepare some food!

And I can be so nice
To cook you tasty rice!

Oh, I really can!
Where is my frying pan?

And I can cook you meat!
Do you feel the heat?

Do you feel that smell?
And do you want to yell?

Because it's really good!
It is such tasty food!

I need some flour of wheat
To bake you cakes so neat!

You know, I can do better!
My food acts like a fetter!

You can't escape your hunger!
It makes you feel much younger!

You know, I can be great!
But, maybe it's too late!

Enjoy your gorgeous lunch!
And eat it with a crunch!

Beware your consumption!
Forget your past assumption...

Forget just every moment!
You heart you need to foment!

This food will spare your anger,
This show - just a banger!

15:38  26.12.2015

No sense is hidden in the subcontext of this funny joky poem. It's written in a primitive language on purpose.
