whore, which sits on seven hills

read Revelation chapter 17 in the Bible

God foretold us of whore on seven hills,
Who committed fornication with all kings,
And they drank cup of her bastardy,
And took part in her great sorcery.

And seven their kings; the last one — antichrist,
He'll lead the nations to their own demise.
God spoke of new world order, six six six —
The number of the damned, who'll bring false peace.

What city in the world's on seven hills,
Who tries to bring all nations to false peace?
Who tries to unite all, who believe
All other "gods", but not the KING OF PEACE?

Our world is damned; it's payback for our sins,
And devil — our foe — took advantage of this.
He wants delude all people, and pull them
With himself, into one direction — hell —
Because he's jealous — he for keeps condemned...
But for you, lost soul — there still is A CHANCE!

he gave us idols — pop-stars, movies, songs, —
To praise lost people, — not to praise the Lord!
All of his stars are members of his church —
illuminati — but his church is cursed!

They say — they're enlightened. But that's not the light —
That's object, which covers the Light, which shines bright!
This object is half-clear, but it perverts Light —
Because Light is broken — it can't light their night!

The Only Light, which cannot be overcome
By darkness of this world — Anointed One!
He is God Almighty, Who came to this world —
Lord Christ is the Only Way for us to God!

He didn't deserved to be killed — we deserved
It, but He took our sins, and killed them on the cross.
He is Lamb of God, Ultimate Sacrifice,
The One, Who won over power of demise!

Our King resurrected. No one rose from death,
Except Lord the Christ, Who is the God Himself,
Who was put to death not for His sins — but ours,
He'll come back in glory and'll reign over us!
