your breath...

Будет сон. И запущенный сад...

Сергей Чупаленков

Будет сон. И запущенный сад,
совершивший осенний обряд.
И ночное свеченье стволов,
обнаживших бессмысленность слов.
И росою растаявший след,
неизвестно кем прожитых лет.
Будет полдень молитвы и битвы.
И манящее лезвие бритвы.
И лозы виноградной слеза.
И усталые чьи-то глаза.
И глаза застилающий пот.
Каждый миг, каждый день, каждый год.
Будет дождь. И пустынный перрон.
Аистиный растерянный стон.
И молитва Твоя и моя:
«Да минует нас чаша сия!».

It will be a dream.
And the neglected garden,
commits an autumn ritual.
And the night glow of trunks,
exposing the nonsense words.
And the dew melted trail someone
unknown past years.
Will noon prayer and battle.
And attracting a razor blade.
And the vine tear.
And tired someone's eyes.
Sweat dripping from his forehead,
and will turn a blind eye Every moment,
every day, every year.
It will be raining.
And deserted platform.
It will groan storks.
And the prayer of yours
and mine: "Let us pass this cup!".

i feel your breath - in memory of sarah who died in the terrorist attack at the mall in new york

Плейкаст «▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ ... YOUR BREATH ... ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇»
I Wake up in a cold sweat I Wake up in a nightmarish delirium It was as if our house was flooded with water Survived only you and I us over many miles of water And above us, beating their tails whales and oxygen is not enough for two I lie in the dark ... Listening to our breath I listen to our breathing I never knew before Breath. what we have shared with you the breath... Breath. I'm trying to learn not to be able to breathe only have one minute to give The gas that is not able to assess But you're sleeping and don't know ... Breath. what we have shared with you breath...

Татьяна Зовите Меня   23.12.2015 05:12     Заявить о нарушении
[9:33:51] tat7700 САРА КУПЕР: You live in the US . Most likely, You are a student ))) I can give You to the police. what do You use photos for identity theft. I wouldn't do it because You voluntarily refused from further play. Don't need to do. PAL. Many people died in the Mall, and there were also women with the name Sarah. In addition, I must inform Bob Duggan and Grant Cardone, that you, my dear, use photos of famous people.. to Offer to voluntarily destroy the questionnaire on a Dating site. You cannot begin to live with the deception, PAL.
[9:34:51] tat7700 САРА КУПЕР: Плейкаст «▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ ... YOUR BREATH ... ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇»
[9:34:54] tat7700 САРА КУПЕР: i feel your breath - in memory of sarah who died in the terrorist attack at the mall in new york

Татьяна Зовите Меня   23.12.2015 05:38   Заявить о нарушении