
Wings of light along my back
One wing light and one wing black
In the sun they shine like tears
Wake me when the moon appears
And invisible and sly
I will raise my wings and fly
To the place where I found truth
For my troubled mind a sooth.
Quickly does the night go by
With my magic I shall try
In the coming of the dawn
To disguise us: you a swan,
Me a stag beside your lake
Our images shall take
All they can from our desire
But the sun's eternal ire
Makes the love of different things
Burn a hole right through my wings
Derelict I fall from grace
Daring one last glance upon your face
I am joyous and fulfilled
On your knees my heart has spilled
Blood upon your pure face
Fingers rest in your embrace
You fret not; Your dread is dead
I shall rise in its damn stead
And again within the mist
Be reborn for you to kiss.
