All these people

I just used to be alone
Will I ever need someone?
I’m not sure if I am sad
But I think that I’m mad

I don’t even want to run
Try to hide, like always’ve done
Time is going on to slow
Hope, it won’t be another fall

And I can’t
All these people anymore

I don’t think
I can trust
I will always be ignored

All of them
Do not live
Just existing in this world

I don’t want
Be like them
I will just stand on my own

I don’t even try to look
For the help, they are so rude
I can surly say “I’m done’
I don’t want to be the one

All of them will never change
They will always have that rage
They can’t even feel the fault
World have become too cold

By the way
I can say
I have tired to be afraid

And I hope
That I won’t
Be destroyed by the crowd

And I trust
That I must
Leave it all behind in past

In the end
All of us
Will be crumbled into dust
