About theatre

Today again about arts,
Performing arts, exactly say.
It was excite hot human hearts  -
So great, delicious, perfect play!

One form unique is famed us all,
Yclept the Theater, nice resound!
Hall can be huge and can be small,
Play on the stage and on the ground.

This form, that uses to present
Performers live. We all be need
Degree of skill immense per cent,
With high of quality and speed.

What mean this word? - "A place to see"
From Ancient Greek derived one more.
It's very idle may to seem,
So called performing this before.

Expressions differentiate
The Theatre from another arts.
As gorgeous independent state,
Which have the order, law and parts.

Today this form can much include -
Costumed performances on stage,
And singing for enhance the mood,
And maintenance can be engage.

And few of types have this bright art.
Start from the drama, comes from Greek
And meaning "action", or "to act".
This only first of castle brick.

The structure of dramatic text
To forms of literature unlike
And time before and in the next.
It's may be flow, may be dike.

Combined with music and with dance,
Include may spoken dialogue.
In Russia, Italy and France
Performance have enormous vogue.

Go to the second type of skill,
Musical theatre will debate.
Here can be listen chorus trill,
Lavish costumes and budgets great.

The third use  humour, may include
A modern farce and little dark,
And go to comedy in root.
How can you type this will be mark?

Fourth tragedy. Is imitate
An action serious, complete.
And magnitude a certain. Gate
In pit  and fear. Want repeat?

And last of types I called at end -
Improvisation named this stream.
A lot emotion people send,
Adorable all acts of team!
