
You counted 3.2.1..and shot me down
Thank u, my killer, I got rid of this shit
Now I'm free and rotting in the ground
U ate my brain away, u made me sick

Ur tears filled my empty heart with lust
I bit ur lips, sorry, I really wanted u, girl
U're my enemy I felt nothing but disgust
I licked ur fingers and my full heart burnt

I reflected as a sucker in ur innocent eyes:
"Ich m;chte deine Freundin sein". U lied.
Fick dich, meine Nutte, I paid a high price
U left me and passed by on the other side

I forgot u cause I didn't really love u, dear
I was looking for my death and u gave it
Walked away in silence and felt no fear
It was my birthday. Girl, I appreciate ur gift.
