Spooky Story eng. ,2010
Her eyes are brown. Her hair is curled.
She is slim as poplar. Her skin is so pale.
She lives in reality but dreams of a tale.
Her tale is classmate called Jason M. Brown.
Although well – fit, he looks like a clown.
Blond colored brand new high price hair style.
Eyes blue like an ocean and sweetest of smiles.
Sugary – looking he mad all girls mad.
They wanted to see him, otherwise to be dead.
Our young heroine was not an exceptance.
She wanted so badly to get his acceptance.
One day she stops him and starts: “Jason, listen.
I need to talk to you and it’s not just a whistle.
I love you so much and I’m wishing to share
My life with yours, honey, let’s be a pair?”
His reaction was not what our girl had expected.
Glare of blue eyes became neglected.
He looked indifferently and laughed out so loudly,
Behaving as a winner – biased and proudly:
“It’s not only you, who thinks I’m cool.
But I would never date you – I’m not a fool.
Looking at you I see only frost.
Wake up, silly girl, I’m not dating a ghost.
I’d better fall into the dark underworld,
Rather than dating you… even if told.”
He finished and walked in other direction,
While so-called silly girl couldn’t make any action.
School bell rang, but she continued to stand.
Wind blew her last words: “This is the end…”
Hurry up, everyone! This is a prom!
Ladies and gentlemen feel emotional storm.
Someone is going to get party crown.
Each girl knows – it will be Jason M. Brown!
But I can’t see our girl… Look through the pairs…
She is not there and no one cares.
She missed few years ago and didn’t come back.
She didn’t have friends so no one followed her track.
Aaaah, it’s not about her, don’t spoil your mood.
Jason M. Brown today is looking so good.
All eyes are on him but he looks aggrieved.
Today he’ll meet his girl, he simply believed.
But all these ladies made him feel sad.
“I need the queen and these are all bad.”
Suddenly he noticed in the end of the room
Unusual beauty. He felt it’s his doom.
Compared to her everyone failed.
She had dark eyes. Her skin was so pale.
But it didn’t disfigure her. It made her unique.
She wasn’t like any of those sun-tanned chick.
No one noticed her as she passed through the crew.
Jason thought: “Don’t pay attention, they all envy you.”
She came to him and he took her hand.
It was cold as if the princess was dead.
But Jason thought only about their glance.
Smoothly they started to dance…
Everyone worried: Is Jason drunk?
He is dancing alone… or may be it’s prank?
Jason hasn’t heard and hasn’t seen them at all.
He felt something sweet – it was in-love fall.
He took his fianc;e outside to the park.
Where no one was, except of the dark.
He stood at his knee and said out loud:
“I want to date you. Make me proud.”
Suddenly weather changed its mood.
Girl answered him being sarcastic and rude:
“Silly boy I wished to hear this long time ago.”
As she spoke, strong wind started to blow.
He could hear a voice of the thunder.
Than happened something that forced him to wonder.
He was standing in small room only alone.
But behind the back he heard someone’s moan.
The scene he saw next was so terrifying…
Missed girl from his class was lying and dying.
As she was epileptic her body shook a lot!
Dark blood as fountain spread out of her throat!
Next minute she stopped and seemed she calmed down.
Then her body, as doll, fell on the ground…
But something black was still on the bed.
It stood up and kicked the body of dead:
“You fed me and died as a pig on this bench!
But I will keep my word, darling, I will revenge.”
Than Devil (it was him) left tiny room
Leaving body of girl in the blood and the gloom.
Again Jason stood in the park as fanatic.
But girl in front of him didn’t seem now romantic.
She continued her speech, but from the first word
Jason realized voice of Devil, those Dark Lord.
“You shouldn’t have done it, now you regret.
Today I’m your judge, executor and prophet.
I am what those girl was going to be –
- Beautiful, kind, clever and free.
You reject dating her, you like only the look.
Well, Jason M. Brown, you are now at my hook.
We will go to the hell, but here’s an advice that I give.
You should have known in advance – women never forgive.”
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