An infinite delight

No more than a glance,
An unruffled pace,
A mere occurrence ,
A flash in a race...
Yet a delicate song,
A feeble quiver
Of a soaring swan
The space delivers.

Not even a hint
Of the green's shiver,
The dew unruined,
Diamond and silver...
Yet a golden bee
On a purple clover
From the furred feet
Sheds the pollen.

Neither attachment,
Nor despair,
Far from amazement
Of a happy tear...
Only a slow approaching,
A divine foresight
Of the sheer glory
And infinite delight.

Очень благодарна за краткий и красноречивый отзыв. Рада знакомству. С уважением, Ксения.

Ксения Желева   21.12.2015 22:44   Заявить о нарушении
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