Зимний ShaigonЪ - 2

Today the King of Jungles
am i
the PhantzomЪ - набирает высоту
( taking off )

Pay green the paper-notes
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Иначе с вас a hudred hides спущу

 The killing is as mild as smoking .. .
The Fantom's like a birdie shadow
over jungles

 As you remember ?

 Switch out i - und OFF

This all is only is beginning
the streams from summit
trim the stones

 -  D'u  know
 -  i know merely 1 of  Two reasons  :  -  i cannot consume it anymore - yea-yea  - Yea !   2)  gimme a - jungle        !!!

  *   " The killing is as mild as smoking "   -   the loviest film
