The Quotes
Thinking about death makes you feel dead.
Death gives the last smile.
Inhale the Best and Exhale the Worst.
You cannot find inner peace, until you have won the war in your mind.
Oddly enough, when we protect our peace, we might be sent to rest in peace.
The best schedule is one that is adapting to change.
Rest time knows no regime.
The measure of health is how long you can destroy your health.
Most people need healing more than they need teaching.
A mirror helps to fall in love with yourself.
None is so deaf as the one who falls in love up to ears.
The beginning may be your ending.
When life is bitter, death is sweet.
The anti-aging elixir is a poison.
Fools often play the fool.
The best place to get gratitude for being a fool is a mental hospital.
For every smart person, there is a fool.
Those who have no rest will rest in a morgue.
A selfish man will teach you to love only himself.
The love is eternal when you love only yourself.
Self-love is always mutual.
Our altruism ends when our selfishness begins.
Your disrespect is worth nothing, if no one respects you.
Before you give disrespect, you must get respect.
The wheel doesn’t exist yet, but people put a spoke in your wheel.
People used to cut someone's wings off before the invention of blade and scissors.
Diamonds on your neck don’t make you a diamond.
People are inclined to believe that you’re a diamond only when you have a lot of diamonds.
If you are brilliant, then shine bright like a diamond.
Living a healthy lifestyle may lead to losing health.
The worst form of laziness is when you are lazy to move your tongue.
The tongue is the most aggressive body part.
The tongue has no bones, but it can break you down.
A short tongue prolongs life.
We bend under the circumstances to break them.
One of the most difficult obstacles in your path is you.
We all have a cross to carry but the wise man carries the lightest.
Anybody can miss the verbal attack.
The verbal abuse evolved into the keyboard fighting.
We're ready to lose any value, if it’s not material.
We have a better price when we are priceless.
The cheapest product on the market is the moral values.
People put the price tag on you when you don’t know your worth.
We are not plants that can only grow in length.
The closest target to improve is you.
There is a limit to self improvement when we go beyond the reasonable limits.
Your clothes might be cleaner than your soul.
Looking into someone's soul, you may want to take a shower.
Some people rise by causing others to fall down.
Only those who do not rise up are not fall.
There are always people who are going to fall morally to rise up.
Be careful the rise might be the fall.
After reaching great heights a person needs to roll down in the mind.
Riding the wave of success, don't get under the wave.
A failure is not always your mistake, it may be mistakes of others. Some people cross our path and ruin all your work.
Move mountains in such a way that there will be no mountains to move.
Profile follower might be a pursuer.
Not everyone who likes your profile likes your person.
Sometimes you just need to be in the right place to put someone in his place.
The straight path gets ruined by crooked people.
Get lost in the right direction.
If you are going through hell, you forget about hellfire.
A bad fighter loses a fight even against the boxing bag.
Running away can be a way of an attack.
The greatest fighter of all times is a shooter.
The cost of martial art skills is the size of bullet.
The easiest of all arts is to write nonsense.
Sometimes friends are weapon of self defense.
Those who flow as life flows make a flood out of the flow.
Going with the flow doesn't mean you can't drown.
Just like in boxing, fate gives you the same blow. Don't let fate repeat itself.
Strike back at fate for the blows you receive.
Cruel blows of fate break our rose-colored glasses.
Memory loss saves you from the blows of fate.
Having a very good memory sometimes tempts us to get stuck in the past.
Thinking about your past, you miss the present.
If you’re armed, you are not alone.
Stronger than the bullet is only body armor.
A bullet is like a word, when it flies out, you cannot catch it.
Words kill more easily with a weapon.
The society puts too much emphasis on creating a family and not enough on being a good family man.
The hard rock never breaks.
A parent can give a child the perfect childhood and take his adulthood.
The forgotten siblings become distant strangers.
Be more than a star. Even the stars fall.
A person who will travel to the stars will become a superstar.
Many stars will eventually become the lamps.
Give people light if you're a star.
Dead stars shine brighter than the living ones.
The world's most elusive criminal is the government.
Desperate people return stolen propriety by committing a theft.
When you dig deep within yourself, you may dig up treasure.
If silence were golden, everyone would be rich.
Bite your tongue, but not till the blood.
There are occasions when the silence speaks, and speech is silent.
Silence is golden when you can lose the gold.
If you keep your mouth always shut, no one breaks your tooth.
Just don't watch your ears if people don't watch their mouth.
The more we have the means of communication, the more reasons to stay silent.
Shut your mouth, but not too loud.
The one who shut everyone’s mouth usually doesn’t keep his mouth shut.
The things that money can't buy make money.
We cannot live without money, but we can live without a bank account.
When money will lose its value, it will be easy to lend.
There are some people who get money, even when they don’t worth a single cent.
Things you can't buy are more valuable than money.
Weight loss is bad only for a fat wallet.
If wealth was important it would be bestowed on Jesus Christ.
Don’t’ be a penny while counting the pennies.
For many people, the best mountains are mountains of cash.
Go with the cash flow.
People who drown in luxury don't need lifeguards.
All I know is that I have nothing and others don’t even have it.
No one ever gets rid of beggary to avoid beggars.
Some food for thought might be a poison.
Eat healthy food until you lose your health.
Some people choke on food for thought.
We are eaten by what we eat.
When you throw out the garbage out of head you create more space in it.
If you have a garbage in head, house cleaners won't help you.
Digging through garbage online you find knowledge.
If you think you're garbage, don't throw yourself on the public place.
The buried ideas someone can dig up.
When you judge someone's education you need an education.
Self-education can be in PhD level.
The light of knowledge makes the dark soul to shine.
Some knowledge is the poison for the soul.
Those who have the light of knowledge see better in a dark world.
People are not interested in wisdom are victims of ignorance.
The bearers of light see better in someone’s darkness.
The naked truth is not erotic.
You can shed some light on something and put yourself in the darkness.
Getting drunk is how some people get sober.
Driving your body under the influence is a cause of car accidents.
The journey of alcoholism begins with a drinking toast.
By trying to drown your problems in alcohol you are drowning yourself.
Alcoholics drown in a sea of wine.
A sober outlook on life makes someone drunk.
The believer shows his faith by the way he treats a disbeliever.
Religion is an antivirus for your soul.
The absence of religion is a religion.
Today, our brain has turned into the Internet.
Of all the arts, for us the Internet is the most important.
The world got smaller with the Internet. We can meet someday.
The speed of spreading rumors depends on the speed of the Internet.
Your glasses won't help you to see into the future.
A big guy with a small heart is a small guy.
Put off until tomorrow what you’ll never do.
You don’t need glasses to see your future.
Lower your sugar if you’re too sweet.
Sweet people are nice to eat. Bitter people are nice to spit them out.
Not everything that looks candy is sweet.
Time heals without prescriptions.
Those who attempt to go ahead of time might fall behind the times.
How to kill time is a question for those who waste it.
Everyone can kill time, but not everyone can reanimate it.
Kill time without killing yourself.
Time flies and never falls down.
Time flies so fast for those who can't fly.
Steal your own time before others steal it away.
Time stands still only in the broken watch.
It doesn’t matter how fast you can run if your time has run out.
Suicide isn't always mean to kill yourself. Sometimes, it means to ruin yourself.
Failed suicide gives a long life in a wheelchair.
When you've sent to the devil, it's not easy to be an angel.
There are devilish crimes have done with angelic patience.
An angel dropped down is not yet the fallen angel.
The negative people are not alone. They live with their demons.
The devil isn't so bad if you are devil.
Impatience is the rust of nerves.
Even the nerves of steel get rusted.
The believers are calling with the impatience of Satan for the patience of God.
In the human zoo, it's hard to be human.
No man can tame a predator by acting like prey.
Some people are like a fog. When they come into your life, life becomes foggy.
There are no people more peaceful than infants.
Monkey business made a monkey out of a man.
Among other things, humankind has built monuments for those people who have attempted to destroy humanity.
In the beginning life enslaved the woman.
The beard doesn’t turn a goat into a human.
The jungle king for lion is a human.
A tongue stings stronger than a bee.
Humanity makes humans truly human.
A bright person can have a dark personality.
Not all people called a chicken have chicken brains.
Eagles don't live in a chicken coop.
God made man, man became an animal.
He who acts like sheep shall be a scapegoat.
For humans behaving like animals there will
be hunters.
The untalented people create the basis for the emergence of talents.
People’s eyes reflect better than a mirror.
Widespread legend is to think that you’re a legend.
Everyone wants to drink water until they start drowning in it.
If you don't choose the right, you choose the wrong.
Following someone's dream helps us to fulfill our dreams.
Man is a bull to man.
Some people buy dogs to bite.
If you really love animals, you won't keep them in the cage.
The black sheep of the family might produce eagles.
Be a beast to become a real human.
Many humans are really bad at being real human.
Calling someone a bull, beware the horns of a bull.
A man beats a woman who becomes a man.
A flea makes a mountain out of a molehill.
The best job to lose your brain is where you don't use your brain.
If you're workhorse, there'll be a rider.
Work in the emergency room, if you want to live long.
For some families you are an angel only when you work like hell.
If you feel like a fish out of water just go back in the water.
The best proof of qualification is a demonstration.
If you are not a gift for your wife, you may become a gift.
Modern Adam doesn’t always need Eve in paradise.
The marriage of convenience lasts until you become an inconvenience.
By getting married you divorce yourself.
A cheated husband hits a wife by his grown horns.
The man kneels before a woman to bring her to her knees.
After meeting the other half, some people meet their other two halves.
A person who has often been barked can act like a dog.
Brainwashing is a risk of brain-drain.
A flexible body without flexibility of mind isn’t perfect.
The wind in your head is the storm in your life.
The free wash is the brainwash.
The small mind makes the big noise.
The scientists and boxers kill their brain differently.
If you feel safe, you're unsafe.
Nowadays the human brain became the Internet.
Don't lose your head at work to avoid a headache.
You have a good head on your shoulders not to lose your head.
The most important muscle you have is the brain.
Bend your head only when you help to get up.
It's hard to escape the rain when it's inside your mind.
The minds of people involved in the entertainment rather than improvement.
The meaning of life for someone is a meaning of someone's life.
We are a product of genes and the influence of life.
The real life begins as soon as you leave your house.
The weather forecast can't predict the storms of life.
Life is a game with breaking the rules.
The happy pill is a life without pills.
The significance of life is that you’re significant.
The elixir of immortality is the immortal work.
The life is a school without the school desk.
Life is an exam which many people don't pass.
Sell yourself before the expiration date.
Our life flows and flood happens.
Any ladder to the top of life might be a ladder to the bottom.
If you're online, your life is offline.
Life is a classroom, and people are classmates.
We are artist of our life, and when it comes to death we are a paintbrush in the hands of the God.
A dot of your life you can transform into the comma.
When life is bitter, you have no sweet dreams.
A bitter fluid makes life so sweet.
Life smiles at you when you smile at the obstacles of life.
The man who deserves immortality lives the longest life.
Remember, with complete fools your life won’t be complete.
Life is a book. If you're unhappy with your life, start the new book.
Simplifying your life is about simplifying yourself.
You can't go far in life if you are too far away from life.
If life is a prison, then some people are prisoners who have too much freedom.
If you fall in love with the life, you don't need marriage services.
Many people save money and time to accomplish nothing in life.
Some people are interested in others life because they feel dissatisfied with their own.
Just because you're a master of sport, doesn't mean you're a master of life.
On the ocean of life the weak wave can't lift you high.
People who spend their entire life dead will be buried twice.
The step forward in life is a preparation for a step backward.
We are our culture and tradition; if there is no culture or tradition we are no one.
There is no wild culture; it is wild to have none.
A person without even knowledge of the history becomes history.
Being yourself is the simplest role of an actor.
Heavy metal never gets rust.
The world needs plastic surgery.
Where the strong man stumbles, the weak man falls.
You can laugh in the face of danger, if you're toothless.
When you laugh for no reason you become a reason to laugh.
The heaven in hell is better than hell in heaven.
We all have the same color on bones.
Beauty is ugly without personality.
Dispose of face mask and continue to wear a mask hiding your true self.
When trying to turn a minus into a plus you can create another minus.
The more influential the original, the more copies it has.
By imitation you only promote a person you’re imitating.
A brave man is the coward that dares to be brave.
A good runner can’t run away from himself.
A holy space is occupied by unholy people.
Creativity based is on other creativity.
Non-violence is the insurance against violence.
A girl looks for a King to be a Queen.
If you want to find a King, act like a Queen.
A manipulator puts his hand on your shoulder to sit on your neck.
Persons who are born with wings often can't fly.
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