Oh please don t stop my train again

My train is fast and fast it goes
From motherland to other lands.
Do I regret? Yes. Maybe. No.
Oh please don't stop my train again.

Who stopped your train? I can't remember.
It was a day or maybe night
When someone else for us decided
That killing people is no crime.

What do I run from? Life in fear,
Life with no future, life in pain.
What will I gain?I am still not sure
But please don't stop my train again.

Who will I meet there? People..judges
To judge if I am skilled enough,
To judge my culture and traditions,
To judge if I can wear a scarf.

What is my life? Train on the road.
Train on the road with no end
It was once stopped. My only prayer:
Oh please don't stop my train again..

