Snow No. 1. Keyboard-fitness

Was falling the snow
the trees were out in astray

The twilight in the morning
made my brain start new way

: If u got a smoke , smoke it
if got a piece of fleis - eat it !
got - a beer ? - drink it
0.5 of Wotka ( overdose mortal ) - consume it

... und - Then
when you've occupied this a sit - in down-Underground
U can see some girls of 17-19 y|e around -

That's this the Picture - is nothing , because :

They've never seen - the Grey Skies !
( from underground )
Grey skises - instead of shocking blue .. .
" Grey skies - where can i see You ! "

Say twice - und
snow start falling

ask - why ?
You'd better know
i dont know
better only You know itЪ


*   By the kindly Allowance of my Princess of Poetry Нади Ульбль

these verses of humble are the Labour of my mind and et else
