The Black Book

The little black book
of Roman Catholic press,
not really very stout,
or heavy,
with see-through pages
that make the characters go double
in the eye.
The same goes for the meanings.
If seeing is believing, then
the orthodox ought to abhor the Writ,
lest he should unconvert himself.
It's for the layman only,
with sleepy eye
to plunder through the plot,
so unconvincing,
yet so true,
and to discover
what was added after
the authour died,
it's really what comes first.
But when we open the upper drawer,
it's not there at all,
nor are we.
Eternity and time
do not combine,
it's either this, or that.
The inner section, or common ground,
does exist, all by itself,
before and after are mere words,
like darkness  and light
put in succession to one another,
no matter how, or in what order.
Crossed out is the point
of no return,
but let the reader learn,
it's all too much for him to comprehend.

27 октября 2015 г.
