The Angelus
with parcel, senses mute, and time
is on the side of those who deliver,
and not receive; no adequate enough
description, tried and torn, and patched
up with the intricate device called mind,
to render thought so foreign to the brain
as to the point of press alarm intention.
What's that, another mourning?
We are pleased
with gilded leaves and pink carnation suits
worn by members of the us on festive occasions.
Let music take its toll
on widows, criminal and otherwise,
and abductees, and nephews, and the long
lost sister mermaid, let it play.
We're so obsessed with the phenomenal,
it's good to take a leave
of absence.
Ding, dong, go
the chimes of London churches.
In the street a pretty boy is striking matches,
one before another, making chains
of short-lived fire circuits in the hand.
Let us rejoice
in the mere pastimes of the lay and the poor,
the cherished ones,
the ones who shall return
to set the world on fire-works,
crackers, and the rest.
And float amidst the sea of angels.
27 октября 2015 г.
Свидетельство о публикации №115102709569