The two of us can t live without one another

I’m whispering the silence, hoping she will hear these screams
Which like all-penetrating bullets scar and smash my organs.
I feel, no meds can neutralize or ease the venom flowing in my veins
Cause they are filled with her “you lost a given to you chance”.
These words are thundering inside my head and every bite they do
Cracks down not only me, but also that one howling bed beneath my
Body, which is sick and wet cause of the breaking through
My leather stormy waves from the inside; the world of heart and mind.
I’m smothering the pillow with my face, trying to suppress the past
Which’s pulsing, causing brainstorms and shivering-me flow of faint
That’s spreading from within and burning out my soul with dust
Of salt which laid into as deep as constant inky paint!
The man is lying in the bed and only his capsule continues being warm.
The body’s functional enough to live, but still, the soul is melting;
His sight, his thoughts, his soul don’t want to carry further on,
Because his heart should beat, but there’s empty… 
