Blaise Pascal is unconcious tempter, isn t he?
Our freedom (ie, God's non-coercion) is not the absence of logical proofs of God. After all, I have such proofs (not to be envious, Blaise Pascal!). And the Christ's Cross and His Words and Deeds have conclusively proved. Our freedom is in the fact that we are free to think logically and to be sober, but are also free to be fools:
"The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good.
" (Psalm 14:1 NIV)
The Blaise Pascal was saying, that
"The mind is only impotent.
One can decide believe in God,
But know for sure
Is over throat."
That's wrong idea of Theist!
The Jesus came to us, he missed.
I've kept my mind in serving God,
And no-one cut my singing throat:
(My Proofs of God.;
In God We Mind or Physical Considerations of Divine.;
Has the Joke "Spaghetti Monster" a Deeper Meaning for Atheism?;
Is Atheism Evil?
The idol is denying God,
Read Martila's you special blog.
Therefore, the atheist is wrong.
He's simply pagan, sinful "blob".
In dialog:
My faith is not mindless one. Thanks for reply. Your clip against Pascal has the major flaw: there is single and easy step out of atheism: "God is real, however I do not know more about Him. I want to know. Let me ask Him and let me think and feel." (You will be in Eastern Orthodox Christianity). Point of video: "there are many false religions, so you will pick the wrong one in case you stop being atheist. Therefore, do no stop." It is flaw. The mixing the steps. First step is: "God is real". That is true information. Just keep it through all your life. Many false religions will not change this TRUE information. Guess what? You just stopped being atheist. Do not step back!!!
See as example: Bob doesn't believe in Obama, but wants to get published in Nature (without high power in connections it is 100 pro impossible). His first step out of delusion is getting into mind: "President of USA does exist!" The next steps include getting his address, email, Obama's character, etc in order to write him convincingly. Same is with God. I understand, what you are opposer to any theist, but please agree on this obvious thing.
Church Holy Fathers say, that in Paradise there is no faith: just knowledge. So we are moving from blind trust to knowledge. All can be proved logically. And can not be unproved. See: because Jesus made impossible miracles, He is God. This is simplest proof of God, which can not be unproved. Next, Jesus loved the man, because He did only good. Therefore, Jesus has not lied. Jesus told us, that there is Holy Trinity. This is 100 pro certain proof, which can not be unproved. Because Jesus has consciously demonstrated "I am God's Son", He is not a creature, not the alien.
She: "God is thought to be an entity with awareness, intelligence, personhood, and supernatural powers that is the sole creator and/or orderer of the natural universe. Jesus hasn't demonstrated anything, as far as I can tell, not even his own historical existence."
Girl, it is your opinion. Perhaps I have more deep one. 1) Because of Free Will, a theist influences the universe. That violates the energy conservation. Therefore, it is not surprising, if holy theist would bring something into existence (due to E=m). Therefore, as Bible say, "You are gods". The one, Who made first Free Will act "C" is the Father of the Free Will creatures. Indeed, without the C, there won't be us. Therefore: get to know the God. 2) Jesus was observed by direct witnesses: Judas, Peter, Maria, and many, many others, including the Rome authorities. Therefore, please explain your point.
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