Лучше ты меня не трогай!..

                Рецензия на «Теперь ушёл ты...» (Анатолий Устрижицкий)http://www.stihi.ru/2012/07/07/7743
Каюсь,Господи,как каюсь!
Доложу всё не спеша:
Я ведь тоже сердцем маюсь:
Где сейчас моя душа?

Помню,как-то на природе,
После пятой без еды,
Я природу вздул по моде,
Кто ж тогда хотел беды?

А сегодня тараканы,
Плод моей земной любви,
Облизали все стаканы
 В кафе "Рай" у Сатаны!

А ползучие гадючки?
Плод больной любви с Сердючкой...
А вампиры,зомби,духи?
Результат любви под мухой...

Я грешил и в этом каюсь!
Но вина то не на мне!
Ты же знал,что я влюбляюсь,
Но позволил жить в говне!

В общем,так,побойся,Боже,
Разве сам ты не таков?
Лучше ты меня не трогай,
Смерть души-для дураков!
Pavel(Paul )Gorbunov                REFERENCE:  Future Cansellation of my citizenship of NZ
113B Eskdale Rd Birkdale
North Shore Auckland 0626
gorp@list.ru  Ph: 09-4805089
To the:
1.New Zealand Law Society
2.Chantal Braybrook
Lawyer New Lynn Auckland
3.John M Gandy
Lawyer New Lynn Auckland
Owner of house for Investment

Copy 1:North Shore Policing Centre
52 Parkway Dr Rosedale North Shore
Copy 2:NZ Court
Copy 3:Mass -Media NZ,Fair Go and International Media
Copy 4:To whom it may be concern
Copy 5:Russian Embassy
Copy 6: Irland Revenue of NZ
about witness statements and confirmations               
                Dear Lawyers of Thomas+Co,New Zealand Law Society,dear Sir/Madam from mentioned above!
    My name is Pavel Gorbunov.I am Russian by nationality and migrant from Ukraine. I am sitizen of NZ from December 2007.I am reziding on above address.
The Reference above means that I cant live anymore in country where publicly Society and Politics are declaring the Fair Law Society but in real life its like prison for migrants especially for Russians.
   During the period from 2004 till 2021 I did have unfair unhonest actions against the me and my family in NZ. I can mention these authorities:CYF,Police,Dispute Tribunal,Appeal Court,Head of Dispute Tribunal of NZ,Post,Court Room Lawyer,Vodafone,several Insuarence Companies,Sovereign Financial Company,Auckland Council etc.At the end of that list are Titirangi Law Centre (Lawyers of Thomas+Co) and their client Mrs.J.Whyte.
  About Titirangi Law Centre (Lawyers of Thomas+Co???):I can prove by documents and Witnesses now that from 2017 till February 2021 I was doing Investment in the House of Mrs.J.Whyte for my daughter Marina Gorbunova..At the end of that( when I found that house was sold in hidden way without paying me back my Investment Fund ) Mrs.J.Whyte refused to confirm  it as Investment and refused pay back to me even my direct expenses  which were doing in different ways by different values for her.With my labour,Interest Reward and materials during 4 years total amount of Investment can reach as min 150000 dollars.
   The facts and documents very clear confirming those facts that some Lawyers of Titirangi area were involving in crime with Mrs.J.Whyte (OR EVEN MORE-THEY CAN BE ‘PARENTS’ OF FINANCIAL CRIME!!!) with aim to take from me as more money as possible with idea to refuse repayiments,including Investment refund and labour costs, in future.
   I am asking You to protect myself from CRIME! Because in this situation involved Irland Revenue and NZ Law Society I am asking them to make Investigation   with aim to find JUISTICE for NZ CITIZEN (Pavel Gorbunov) and hold responcible those people who were creating  CRIME.I am asking You about Investigation because all my requests,demands,questions,explanations were not answered by Mrs.J.Whyte NZLS and the Lawyers of Thomas+Co. The first step of Investigation: to ask questions and to receive answers,which will be the base of understanding.
                10 May 2021
Dear Pavel,
re: Our client - Jillian Whyte
1. We act for the above named in relation to your dispute.
2. We are advised as follows:
2.1 You initially met through an online dating site in late 2016 and in person shortly after Christmas 2016.
2.2 You began a friendship over time which developed into a brief romantic relationship of around 6 months’ duration. This ended in or around mid-2017 when our client discovered you remained married despite your assertions to the contrary. At no time have you lived together or entered into a de facto relationship. At times, you have assisted our client with maintenance on her property given your occupation as a gardener.
2.3 In or around mid-2018, our client disclosed to you she was building a transformational coaching business, Artemis Starz Investments Limited. She was unable to obtain a mortgage of $30,000 through Sovereign Bank guaranteed by her son given his financial position. In response to this, you offered to loan our client the money by obtaining a loan from your employer, Mr King. No discussion was held about interest or of any investment whatsoever.
2.4 Between 16 July 2018 until 1 February 2021, you have deposited $38,338.80 into our client’s bank account. The amounts deposited range in value from $20 to $3000.
3. You have now made a number of claims alleging investment in her former property and fraud,amongst other claims.
4. Without reference to the deposits made and in response to your demands, our client has paid you $56,000 from her account (02-0719-0117795-085) to your account (38-9019-0318730-000). This amount far exceeds any amount you deposited into our client’s account. If you have not yet received these payments, you may want to consider contacting your bank.
5. We reiterate our earlier communication with you that you are not to contact our client. Failure to desist from communications with our client may result in proceedings being filed seeking a protection order being sought against you.
Птн, 30 Апр 2021 16:29
Our client - Jillian Whyte
От: John M Gandy <johng@thomas.co.nz>
Кому: pavel.gorbunov.1957@mail.ru, gorp@list.ru
Dear Pavel
We have received instructions to act for Ms Whyte in relation to your dispute with her.
We will have a substantive response to the extensive correspondence you have recently been sending shortly.
However in the meantime, we advise you to immediately desist from contacting our client.
The ongoing threats of police involvement and fraud are without basis and frequency and tone of your messages are abusive in nature.
We have advised our client of the merits of applying for a protection order should your threats continue unabated.
We trust this will not be necessary and encourage you to obtain proper legal advice.
Please ensure any further correspondence in relation to our client is sent and addressed to this office.
John???):  I can prove by documents and Witnesses now that from 2017 till February 2021 I was doing Investment in the House of Mrs.J.Whyte for my daughter Marina Gorbunova..At the end of that( when I found that house was sold in hidden way without paying me back my Investment Fund ) Mrs.J.Whyte refused to confirm  it as Investment and refused pay back to me even my direct expenses  which were doing in different ways by different values for her.With my labour and materials during 4 years total amount of Investment can reach as min 150000 dollars.
   The facts and documents very clear confirming those facts that some Lawyers of Titirangi area were involving in crime with Mrs.J.Whyte (OR EVEN MORE-THEY CAN BE ‘PARENTS’ OF FINANCIAL CRIME!!!) with aim to take from me as more money as possible with idea to refuse repayiments,including Investment refund and labour costs, in future.

                10 May 2021
Dear Pavel,
re: Our client - Jillian Whyte
1. We act for the above named in relation to your dispute.
2. We are advised as follows:
2.1 You initially met through an online dating site in late 2016 and in person shortly after Christmas 2016.
2.2 You began a friendship over time which developed into a brief romantic relationship of around 6 months’ duration. This ended in or around mid-2017 when our client discovered you remained married despite your assertions to the contrary. At no time have you lived together or entered into a de facto relationship. At times, you have assisted our client with maintenance on her property given your occupation as a gardener.
2.3 In or around mid-2018, our client disclosed to you she was building a transformational coaching business, Artemis Starz Investments Limited. She was unable to obtain a mortgage of $30,000 through Sovereign Bank guaranteed by her son given his financial position. In response to this, you offered to loan our client the money by obtaining a loan from your employer, Mr King. No discussion was held about interest or of any investment whatsoever.
2.4 Between 16 July 2018 until 1 February 2021, you have deposited $38,338.80 into our client’s bank account. The amounts deposited range in value from $20 to $3000.
3. You have now made a number of claims alleging investment in her former property and fraud,amongst other claims.
4. Without reference to the deposits made and in response to your demands, our client has paid you $56,000 from her account (02-0719-0117795-085) to your account (38-9019-0318730-000). This amount far exceeds any amount you deposited into our client’s account. If you have not yet received these payments, you may want to consider contacting your bank.
5. We reiterate our earlier communication with you that you are not to contact our client. Failure to desist from communications with our client may result in proceedings being filed seeking a protection order being sought against you.
Птн, 30 Апр 2021 16:29
Our client - Jillian Whyte
От: John M Gandy <johng@thomas.co.nz>
Кому: pavel.gorbunov.1957@mail.ru, gorp@list.ru
Dear Pavel
We have received instructions to act for Ms Whyte in relation to your dispute with her.
We will have a substantive response to the extensive correspondence you have recently been sending shortly.
However in the meantime, we advise you to immediately desist from contacting our client.
The ongoing threats of police involvement and fraud are without basis and frequency and tone of your messages are abusive in nature.
We have advised our client of the merits of applying for a protection order should your threats continue unabated.
We trust this will not be necessary and encourage you to obtain proper legal advice.
Please ensure any further correspondence in relation to our client is sent and addressed to this office.
