Anne Bancroft

September 17th – Anne Bancroft’s birthday.  In 2015 there is 84 years since she was born.

Anne Bancroft – a talented actress known internationally,
Who had proceeded acting persistently and intentionally.
She implemented her abilities, gifts, skills set and passion,
While complimenting it by courage, will & determination.

For her performances Anne received more than one award -
Oscar’s, Tony’s and Emmy’s, which her fans would accord.
Bancroft achieved success on big screen, stage & television,
Having fulfilled own professional dream, desire & ambition.

Anne demonstrated versatility and gift for transformation,
Which led to fans & colleagues praise, respect, appreciation.
Equally good at comedy and drama, Bancroft had outstood.
For Anne, any role, character would naturally sink in & suit.

September 17th – birthday of Anne Bancroft, a star forever.
We value her contribution to entertainment field, endeavor.
Bancroft’s sincerity, beauty, intelligence, humor, individuality
Had constituted her interpersonal & professional universality. 

Copyright©2015 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
