Maximilian Voloshin - The Rainbow Warrior

I fell to hit the rocky riverbed
Of time and worlds, rebel and treason-maker.
Once joined in joy, the seven tints of ache are
Dispersed in lowland air dense as lead.

Winds weave a rose in me, all spirits blend,
But every tone is bound to an anchor
Of foot and beat - see, tempered with the anger,
My radiant scale tinges wrap and bend?

Crime makes me pure. Death inspires. Prison
Delivers me. Prostration gives me might.
I lost my wings, not depth to take my ease on.

Come on, tormentor! Bloody eagle, bite!
All voices in my syrinx meet arisen
Like rainbow links the gamut crucified.

Original: Maximilian Voloshin aka Mad Max, 1915

The translation is completed for reference only and is not intended to imply or trigger empathy of any kind and to any degree.
