Nelson Eddy

June 29th – Nelson Eddy’s birthday.  In 2015 there is 114 years since he was born.

Nelson Eddy – a gifted film actor and singer with a baritone voice,
Who from his childhood chose a profession, made a career choice.
Film musicals, concerts and operas on radio, stage and television
Had constituted and helped fulfill Nelson’s desire, dream, ambition.
His voice exuded enchanting, sentimental, powerful, romantic flair.
Paired with Jeanette MacDonald’s lyrical soprano, their due dared.
They complimented each other’s voice, versatility and personality.
Colleagues & fans adored the gifted alliance, mastery, individuality.

Nelson – inspiring and inspirational entertainer with music passion,
Who had fulfilled his dream with courage, willpower, determination.
Eddy received widespread acclaim, praise, recognition & admiration
For contribution to music genre, operetta films becoming a sensation.

June 29th - birthday of Nelson Eddy, a gifted performer of all time,
Having exuded strong, beautiful voice, ardent personality & smile.
Eddy had left significant imprint on the map of world, civilization.
Today we pay our dues, expressing love, respect and appreciation.

Copyright©2015 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
