What would be if Graham married on Ukrainian girl

19.9.2015. Great Britain, Nottinghamshire
Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin
Dedicated to British Journalist Graham Phillips

What would be if Graham married on Ukrainian girl from Kiev

If Graham would married on that Ukrainian girl from Kiev
She would educated his son
that this is all right
to bomb properties of other people
in their own country
still plenty times

She would educated his son
that this is all right -
to kill kids and woman
and pensioners
just if they are from another Ethnic
and their native language
is Russian
and not Ukrainian.

If Graham would married on that Ukrainian girl from Kiev
She would educated his daughter
from her Ukrainian Mum
to work as a prostitute,
staying on the streets of Amsterdam.

And later Graham
would walk on the streets of Amsterdam,
looking for all prostitutes here, standing around all times
He would try find his own beloved daughter here:
- O, My God. Where is she?
Where is she now?

And later,
on return back to his home,
after a work
in a war conflict zone,
He would find
his wife,
this Ukrainian girl or a woman
the traditional Ukrainian village manners:

Her lovers would be
in the bed with her,
all naked,
and her lover would be
hidden in the wardrobe,
under the bed,
and still staying in their garden.

As a British Journalist
in the war zone conflict
Graham Phillips would be
- What his son
from this Ukrainian girl from Kiev
did in Ukraine,
as all bombed?

Graham Phillips would
recorded died kids,
and still their died mothers,

His records would be
wounded kids and women
parts of body, as a hand and a leg,
without a vision,
no eyes, -
all this job of his own beloved native son,
his own creation
for us all.

Graham Phillips would
as a British Journalist
recorded the life
of prostitutes
in different countries
as Ukraine, Amsterdam,
and all others.

And suddenly, he would
see his own daughter
on the streets of Amsterdam,
staying with other prostitutes,
tried to earn own money,
the some,
as her Ukrainian Mum.

And when he would return back to home,
back from his this job,
He would see his Ukrainian wife
rounded her lovers
plenty times.

Her lovers would be
in the bed with her,
all naked,
and her lover would be
hidden in the wardrobe,
and under the bed,
and still staying in their garden.

In the small Russian village in Ukraine
trending from loud bombs,
a small girl asked her Dad:

- Say me, why they so hate us
trying to kill us all?

And her father answered to his daughter,
in a small town in Ukraine
under bombs:

- We talk all on another language,
not on English
or Ukrainian,
that is all.

Nor Americans built
our houses
Nor Ukrainians
from The West
- All they came
on other people properties
to destroy all
and so - to steal.

Jesus said - Not to kill.
But they killed us here of all.

Jesus said - Not to steal
But they damaged properties of all

Jesus said - Please, Forgive
Your enemies, dear pal.

But they just whom are thinking
or the wish not to be together
with whom are murders
of their kids.

Look, when Scotland
and Scots said the similar wish
as enough
be together with Brits,
David Cameron and British Government
had not sent
British Army
to bomb

Scottish people
just voted.

what was wrong
as to do
the some
in Ukraine?

not whom loud shouted always
but by the vote
from all simple Ukrainians?

Kiev was under American rules
and pushes
under orders from USA,

and without Merci
without a charting
just the order
to kill

English women are probably
God created just English
and it is all.

- Say me,
what would be right
for others?
Had God created
and them?

Please, read Bible,
Jesus was honest
He said as coming
to talk just
with Jews.

Jesus said
it would be not plenty places here
for all others,
to survive,

If Graham would married on that Ukrainian girl from Kiev,
She would educated his daughter
from her Ukrainian Mum
to work as a prostitute,
staying on the streets of Amsterdam.

And later Graham
would walk on the streets of Amsterdam,
looking though all prostitutes here,
standing around all times.
He would try to find his own beloved daughter here:
- O, My God. Where is she?
Where is she here?

If Graham would married on that Ukrainian girl from Kiev,
She would educated his son
that this is all right
to bomb properties of other people
in their own country
still plenty times

She would educated his son
that this is all right -
to kill kids and women
and pensioners
just if they are
from another Ethic
and their native language
is Russian
and not Ukrainian.

As a British Journalist
in the war zone conflict
Graham Phillips would all

- What his son
from this Ukrainian girl from Kiev
did in Ukraine,
as all bombed?

Graham Philips would
recorded died kids,
and still their died mothers.
His records would be
wounded kids and women
parts of bodies, as a hand and a leg,
without a vision,
no eyes.

- All this job of his own beloved native son
his own creation
for us

And when he would return back to home,
back from his this job,
He would see his Ukrainian wife,
rounded her lovers
plenty times.

Her lovers would be
in the bed with her,
all naked,
and her lover would be
hidden in the wardrobe,
and under the bed,
and still staying in their garden.

while you are reading these lines
of poem
translated from Russian
as we will be not here,
mostly of us,

And you all will go to see
our damaged houses
and no humans anywhere
just ghosts.

Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin

PS  Translated from the original poem on Russian
Женись Грэм на украинке, written by the some author

What would be if Graham married on Ukrainian girl from Kiev
Женись Грэм на украинке

On Russian
Женись Грэм на украинке

Мои стихи, посвящённые Грэму Филлипсу. Ссылки

3. On Russian
Николай Васильевич Гоголь
Вечера на хуторе близ Диканьки

To hear the reading, on Russian
Николай Гоголь. Вечера как хуторе близ Диканьки

The film, on Russian . 1961, Soviet Film. USSR time
The evenings on the farmer village Dikanki / about Ukraine
- the tale by Nikolai Gogol / Nikolay Gogol
Вечера как хуторе близ Диканьки

Nikolai Gogol   // Nikolay Gogol
The evenings on an Ukrainian village Dikanki

Graham Williams Phillips video channel on YouTube

Russian song by Visotski
The Ballad about a Love
from Shakespeare changes - England  by Russian eyes

My poems, dedicated to British Journalist Graham Williams Phillips. Links

What would be if Graham married on Ukrainian girl from Kiev

Ианна Инна Бальзина-Бальзин / Eanna Inna Balzina-Balzin


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