Ангелы. Keyboard-fitness

Энджелs over it - me                !

Over the green lanes

just tried - disappeared
Let keep it - to overhand it to you  -  ?

 ... One night Angels supposed me
The skies were gloomЪ

      (i )  touched your feather - ?
( or - it seemed  )

 To glenЪs you added a stream  - how can
(i) 'am not  too  singing 
on a stroll through the shadowy parks - of H.M. - ?

 Took i on a jobЪ
Sailed over  7 seas  - for something - ?  -  Sorry

 White Angels are - over me 

When Time is passing to the End
still try i'm singing abt/  You    :

  -  When you loved-me allowed - steering


   *   Enya


