The all of me

The all of me

Woke up because the pain from my dream
Came to the real world and it
Provoked a burning, toxic memory stream
Of images I’d rather throw away, but I cannot

Get rid of the past we made together,
The happiest moments we created then.
It squeezes through the walls of my own leather
And smothers me with salty rain when

I lay totally alone thinking about you;
Imagining the things I could have done.
But then I realize that there is nothing new.
There’re only rotten dreams and harm

I did to you with one short word: “goodbye”.
That night… I can’t, I mustn’t let myself forget
Your weepy silent cry.
It made not only floor beneath you wet

But also me. The world of mine
Was totally destroyed that night!
I didn’t realized it then, cause I was blind.
Now, I’m cursed and broken by

Myself and at the same time blessed;
The more you love, the more you want to give.
And since that day I have forgotten rest.
All that I have is yours; the all of me.
