Deserving case

Текст этой песни был написан для молодежной рок-группы "Deserving Case"


I stir, wake up, I have my meal, put on my socks and wash my face.
Deserving case!

I leave the house, get in my car, I come to work, turn on my phone and start my race.
Deserving case!

I drown myself in scudding crowd, I’m one of them, I’m just a screw, I know my place.
Deserving case!

Tremendous flow, stupendous banks, enormous plants and senseless crowd – my country’s base.
Deserving case!

I get confused, I'm feeling tired, I seek the sun, I crave the air, I need the space.
Deserving case!

Not too bad, honest feelings and search for personal individuality.

Вадим Волков   07.12.2015 12:17     Заявить о нарушении
Спасибо, Вадим!

Андрис Сайнио   07.12.2015 12:34   Заявить о нарушении