
Quietly , running from house to house ,
Fall sneaks unnoticed .
And now , already cool - in the morning ,
I come stealthily month number eight .

Even water, alas, not the heat ,
Elijah the prophet let the piece of ice on the water .
More nature of the whole is not bloomed ,
but here , the spider prepares cobweb .

So you want to preserve the heat is now !
- Do not go , stay with us Summer !
But summer, tired of our meetings ,
found its friends better somewhere ...

Денис, отлично!

Микола-Стихоплёт   13.11.2015 17:14     Заявить о нарушении
Спасибо, Микола!

Денис Богатов   13.11.2015 18:12   Заявить о нарушении
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