The book is told as a fundamental physical and astrophysical phenomena are manifested and reflected in geological processes and their defining parameters, such as sedimentation, behavior geochronological scale and many other phenomena, those which are the subject of study of Geology, vibrogeodynamic as research directions for studying the vibrational aspects of existence in rocks and such theoretical areas as vigenica.
The obtained results allow to reveal, to show and to analytically describe and model the underlying causes of these processes. It is possible theoretically and diverse to justify and to provide relatively simple and clear. For example, a new drawing has long been known fundamental physical laws – detecting their new "geological consequences".
Progress in research areas in Geology, geodynamics and Earth Sciences (physics, Geology, cosmology), complex (vibrogeodynamics) interpretation of the Cosmo-geological and geophysical data, the author's contribution to the formation of a new scientific direction – vigenica, vibrogeodynamics – in connection with the objectives of ensuring geoecological safety of mining and industrial exploration.
The MONOGRAPH (in 3 books)
G. P. Andreyev, M. I. Miklyaev, I.I. Dorofeyev
In research,I always adhere to the principle
that all phenomena in nature,
(in which the physical environment they occur) –
in essence appear is always the same.
N. Tesla
Table of contents
Preface 2
BOOK 1. New vibrogeodynamics regularities is one of the summands in the development of the dynamic “wave” paradigm of subsoil use 3
Lessons N. Tesla and subsoil – the basic equation of vibrogeodynamics 3
The practical significance of the research of vibrogeodynamics 16
1. Vibrogeodynamics justification of the practical relevance of the passive seismometers 17
2. From vibrogeodynamic and passive seismic – to new opportunities for solving the problems of energy saving 19
Reveal "physics Geology" 20
Vibrogeodynamic resonances – as "separators" geochronology (theoretical background) 22
Regional projections of total vibrogeodynamics patterns 26
Sedimentogenesis as "the recorder" geoastrophysical processes 29
The resulting " all the time " model Cosmo-geological relations 30
1. Geological facts – start with them. For example, the phenomenon of the so-called cuboid symmetry of the Earth. This is dedicated to an extensive bibliography for several decades 32
However, the reasons for such – 4-sectoral division of planetary bodies have not been previously identified. Fibrogenic this gives the following simple explanation. 32
2. Astrophysical facts 33
3. Vigenica – integration of geo-astrophysical knowledge 33
Features single vibrogeodynamics "decrypt" sedimentation "prints" in the Volga-Ural and West Siberian PNC from fundamental astrophysical events 39
Dynamics of Space – additional background for 2D modeling of regional sedimentogenesis and indirect justification of the practical relevance of the passive seismometers for subsoil 41
Identified new vibrogeodynamics patterns 44
First set of changes in sedimentation in the frequencies of oscillation of the Volga-Ural and West Siberian PNC – correspond to well-known astrophysical fact – the speed of expansion of Space 45
From the amount previously disparate facts and calculations – to single model forecasts 49
Fundamental physics as a research tool of vibrogeodynamics 54
Standing vibrogeodynamics wave in "critical" areas – as a consequence of latitudinal meridional structure of the earth vibration field "core-crust" 62
One result of the presentation – description of a new scientific direction – vigenic 68
Conclusion 69
1. The geo environment exists and develops in its kind – vibrogeodynamics mode 69
2. In one of the practical consequences of the phenomenon of natural vibrogeodynamics – define additional task of modern geophysics 70
3. Consider vibrogeodynamics phenomenon is widespread 71
The most important practical value passive-seismic metric appraisal of hydrocarbon deposits 72
4. The practical application of complex research or bundles "vibrogeodynamic + passive seismometry" corresponds to the understanding of Ecology in its broadest and deepest sense – as an appropriate relationship between Nature and influencing Technologies 73
5. Scientific and applied relevance of vibrogeodynamics – as a new direction of research has now become more acute 73
The study of vibrogeodynamics for practical purposes 74
Literature 75
Note No. 1. Oscillations 78
Note No. 2. Geological hesitation 78
Note No. 3. Wavelets 80
Note No. 4. The Golden section 81
Note No. 5. About geochronological sequence 84
Note No. 6. Chain and a suitable fraction 87
Note No. 7. The law of the divisibility of the geological environment 88
Note No. 8. The history of the Earth in galactic and solar cycles 92
Note No. 9. The heliospheric current layer 104
Appendix No. 1. Model disclosure astrophysical nature in the cyclic sedimentogenesis and geochronology 106
Appendix No. 2. The scheme of the spatial-temporal development of the galactic system 109
Appendix No. 3. The convergence of the actual sedimentation and its model 110
Appendix No. 4 (in parts 4.1 through 4.6). Astrophysical facts 114
Part 4.1 of Annex No. 4. Multi-scale comparison of facts of astrophysics and geology 115
Part 4.2 of Annex No. 4. Facts from the history of the study of "permanent" Hubble 118
Part 4.3 of Annex No. 4. Scientific and educational value of the Hubble parameter 122
Part 4.4 of Annex No. 4. Cepheid stars "lighthouses" of the Universe 124
Part 4.5 of Annex No. 4. Hypotheses about the causes of the expansion of Space 129
Part 4.6 of Annex No. 4. The Lagrange Point 129
Appendix No. 5. The macromodel of vibrogeodynamics 133
Appendix No. 6. Determining the equation of vibrogeodynamics 134
Appendix No. 7. Vibrogeodynamics modes of subsurface 135
Figures to part 2. Vibrogeodynamics of bottom-hole zones 136
BOOK 2. Bottom-hole temperature and pressure pulsation – Vibrogeodynamic harmonics of oscillations of the earth and the effects of nonlinearity in rocks 151
The purpose of the work 151
The history of the study of pulsations of bottomhole zones 153
Geological background temperature and pressure pulsations of bottom-hole zones 163
Natural vibrogeodynamic 164
Natural practical relevance the obtained results 168
Patterns of vibrogeodynamics 169
Geological background the desired result in vibrogeodynamics interpretation of thermobarometry 175
Fibrogenic and multiscale its manifestations – as tools to predict 183
The initial conditions and circumstances of the research 184
High condition original data 186
The feasibility of examining materials thermobarometry 187
Favorable conditions for the study of thermobarometry bottom-hole zones – given natural vibrogeodynamic 187
1. Theoretical fundamental essence vibrogeodynamic patterns 188
2. The laws of physics oscillations 189
3. The natural vibrations of the Earth 192
The main results of processing - echoes of natural vibrations of the Earth in the bottom-hole zones 196
Results-oriented processing data thermobarometry – identifying harmonics of oscillations of the Earth 201
Additional General notes 207
Correlation and resonant identity between the bottom pulsations and vibrogeodynamics regional variations 208
Multi-scale "cross-cutting" – the local and regional context 209
Comparison of near-wellbore and regional fluctuations 211
Physics harmonic (resonant) oscillations 211
A brief preliminary discussion of the main results 214
On the theoretical and practical importance to quantify multi-scale vibrogeodynamic processes 215
Practically significant findings is important for the use of subsoil 217
Additional results data on thermobarometry bottom-hole zones 220
Wave continental geodynamics V. I. Shpilman and its vibrogeodynamics continued in the near-wellbore harmonics of vibrations of the earth 225
The preliminary conclusion 232
The practical relevance of the simulation effects of nonlinearity in rocks under conditions of vibrogeodynamics 232
Additional explanatory notes to the results obtained 237
Natural base natural vibrogeodynamics 238
Practical importance of detail natural vibrogeodynamics – up to its manifestations volumes of bottom-hole zones 241
Innovative approaches to the study of objects of subsoil use on the basis of vibrogeodynamics 243
Simple fundamental vibrogeodynamics patterns 244
Exploration of the dynamics of oil and gas deposits – practical relevance 245
Practical tasks and features of the studied phenomena 246
1. The prospects of practical application vibrogeodynamic (and its fundamental features) 246
2. The study of natural vibration of the bottom-hole zones 249
Wellbore effects – as analogues vibromassage (vers) 250
Additional practical implications of vibrodiagnostic characteristics of hydrocarbon deposits 251
Concluding the discussion of the results 253
The essence of engaged theory and experiments 253
The relevance of a comprehensive study of bottom-hole zones 256
Practical importance of interdisciplinary research in the search mode risk 257
Prospects anticipate potential production rates 257
Vibrogeodynamics interpretation of data high-precision measurements of current pressures and temperatures 258
Vibration bottom-hole zones in comparison with the vibroseis-effects 259
About vibrogeodynamics the Genesis of natural vibrations of the Earth 262
Common causes of influence total vibration field – local objects of subsoil use 263
Concluding remarks. 266
Regional position condensate field gas condensate field as the result of a system of deep impacts vibrogeodynamic 266
Conclusions: abstracts 270
Solvability of a problem on the evaluation of the mining potential 270
Again about the practical essence of the results obtained 271
Conclusion 273
Literature 278
BOOK 3. Study of the properties of the wave (resonance) model of the Solar System 284
List of abbreviations 295
About the authors 296
Table of contents 301
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