
Shorts. What you think? Is it beautiful garment?
Worn every day anyplace men and women
Yellow and blue, so predictable moment.
Better slight black with slight white - I am dreamer.

They can be long from the history knowledge -
Length to your knees, but I like little shorter.
Boys, pretty girls can come daily to college,
Father and mother dress up nice their daugther.

I like velvet it's so awesome material -
Pile in the row light with shadow here playing.
This new my dress love the all of familiar.
"Nice, pretty good, You are God", they are saying.

Sewed few days and emdroidered with beads white.
And after that I am made photo session.
Looking behind on the wall, beauty, so bright.
I begging you only little attention.

What do you think of my work? Write the words here.
I will be read. Do believe? Square promise.
All of those stay. Be you sure, I do not  clear.
How can you mark words and music, there glow miss? 

Thank you for all. Give away love, respect, light.
Wishing the sun in the sky, pure water .
And all the dress only colour in part bright,
And worn like me all of pants little shorter.

Рина, э-э, как бы это сказать помягче, — Вы просто пишете по-русски английскими словами. Как английская поэзия или вообще английский текст, это совершенно безграмотно, к сожалению. Порядок слов, отсутствие артиклей, вспомогательных глаголов, ну и так далее. Это как если бы Вы начали писать по-русски без падежей и спряжений, что-то сродни такому ощущению.

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Тургут Элл-Макбак   26.08.2015 06:16     Заявить о нарушении