Robert Redford

August 18th – Robert Redford’s birthday.

Robert Redford – a Hollywood legendary actor,
Philanthropist, environmentalist, film director.
He has succeeded in film, on stage & television,
Fulfilling his lifelong calling, dream & ambition.

A fine actor & handsome, charming sex symbol
May be perceived by fans as complex & simple.
Gifted, skilled artist, Robert allured, impressed.
Own achievements were recognized & praised.

His Sundance Film Festival introduced change,
As truth was spoken up by people of any age.
“Godfather of Indie Film” had much influence
 On creative minds’ congruence & confluence.

August 18th–Robert Redford’s birthday, all best
We wish you including love, happiness, health!
Thank you for sharing talent, your contribution
To entertainment field, a word wide institution.

Copyright©2015 Mila Alper

* Photo is from the Internet
