Summoning Lenin

Lenin! Lenin! Don’t be calm!
Try to wake up. Try it now!
Don’t be pussy. Make comeback!
Blow up Europe. Make all sad!

Be like phoenix and reborn!
But not here and for long!
Crush and ruin all the world
As you wanted. As you’d told!

Lenin! Lenin! Return mad!
And escape, please, from the dead!
Be like zombie! I don’t care!
But return, please, from nowhere!

We need you to stress up Earth.
Do some revo’s (1) after birth.
Make some chaos! Organize!
And don’t listen to the cries…

Lenin! Lenin! You must rise
And destroy all sort of guys!
We don’t need no East nor West!
We just need some peace and rest!

Prince won’t come to visit you. (2)
So there’ll be no kissing cure. (3)
It’s your fault but left one option.
Quit the box and show us motion.

Lenin, Lenin, we need you!
As you needed us for you
To create from spark the fires
Which will burn from money liars! (4)

Summon you, my bald red master!
World needs you! And need grows faster.
Look around, realize
That the West feeds all with lies.

Lenin, Lenin, begging you…
Help your nation. Debt on you!
Please awake and cry out loud
Telling truth destroy N-crowd. (5)

Stop aggression. Fuck US!
Disconnect emission press!
And destroy fast this blue order (6)
Which threats us and not just bother…

Lenin, Lenin, I must ask for…
Be a monster, be disaster!
But forget one-eighth of world. (7)
We had you and now their’s turn.

This short verse have just one meaning -
People have to stop being greedy.
Otherwise there will appear
Lenin, Hitler or Messiah… (8)


1. “revo’s” means Revolutions.
2. Tsar Nikolay II with his family have been murdered during the Soviet revolution.
3. Like in “Snow White and seven dwarfs.”
4. Lenin declared a war to capitalism trying to create “the world fire of revolution”.
5. “N” means NATO.
6. Blue order means new postmodern western values + it's official Nato colour.
7. Russian Federation.
8. I don’t compare Lenin to Hitler. I mean that the world which lives in a lie and without truth creates sooner or later a person who will stress up the world totally.


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