Light and Mirror

(Based on Marilyn Friday's OBE)

That early morning my soul came upon a vision.
I saw the light was being issued from the mirror
Of the horizon size. It was my crucial decision
To ask the light whom should I love. But Zero
Word I heard. Instead, my soul was vibrating
On getting the reply, “You are in love already.
Since both your souls were joined for celebrating
The joy of life itself. Be patient and steady.”
Transition came — the mirror turned into a screen
And I was shown the people whom I ever knew.
The grass beneath my feet was so uncommon green,
The sky above my head was so uncommon blue.
A line of smiling faces flashed before my soul.
I stood in front of them enthralled with that parade.
They seemed to be lit up… I tried to reach my goal —
I noticed that one who had become my shade
And rushed into the fly. I flew through lots of barriers.
The group of flying penguins tipped me with their wings.
I was unseen for them. My goal became my carrier.
The mirror and the light were our soul links.

July 17–19, 2005
