To me, this unfamiliar city, want to forget that I
I want to forget that I was there;
and memory is the most terrible dream
hard whipping in my eyes.
I Have not found shelter,
and the city that had exiled me,
And me in the sky again,
where the wings beat
next morning picked me up,
and landed somewhere,
I am in a foreign country,
when day is done...
Since then, few cities I have changed,
where to live? now I don't care...
And the city-the dream of the Ghost,
there lived in the children in that movie...
And it was not given them to me
to see where eye to eye...
Now rose in the sky,
Yes, the path cover me tear...
To me, this unfamiliar city,
want to forget that I was there;
and memory is the most terrible dream
hard whipping in my eyes...-
Saratov, Sheremetyevo-2, Moscow, New York,-
Dallas, Tucson, Los Angeles ?.. -
Gregory Burtaev. Los Angeles. August 16.2015. 1257
© Copyright: Grigory Burtaev, 2015
The certificate of publication No. 115081609991
© Copyright: Григорий Буртаев, 2015
Свидетельство о публикации №115081610390
Свидетельство о публикации №115081610390